Failing tests in CyberGate Communication Test Script

The CyberGate Communication Test Script is a helpful tool to diagnose the connection from the network of your device* to CyberGate. It will test all relevant communication paths to CyberGate and provide output that will help you find the cause in case of failures. 

This document provides more info on each test of the Communication Test Script. 

* SIP intercom / IP pager / IP speaker / SIP camera


Testing WAN connnection

 - CyberGate DNS resolve Failed : The configured DNS server can't resolve the address. This will prevent the device to connect to CyberGate. Possible solution : Make sure the device is able to reach the DNS servers.

 - Public WAN IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX : This is the public WAN IP address your device uses to connect to CyberGate. Make sure you've configured this IP address in the CyberGate admin portal (Tenant settings - Configured WAN IP addresses)

 - Local IP address : Shows the IP address of your PC. 

 - Local IP mask : Shows the subnet mask of your PC. 

 - Intercom in same subnet Failed : The PC you're using to run this test is not on the same network as the device. The outcome of this Communication Test Script won't be useful for diagnosing communication issues.


Testing UDP connnection...

 - UDP OPTIONS response received Failed : The UDP options message send by the script is not replied by CyberGate. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing UDP traffic to the internet. Make sure UDP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - UDP OPTIONS response SIP 200 OK Failed : The 200 OK message send by CyberGate is not received (correctly). Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing UDP traffic to the internet. Make sure UDP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - UDP INVITE response received Failed : A SIP invite sent via UDP (test call) could not be established. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing UDP traffic to the internet. Make sure UDP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - UDP INVITE request unmodified Failed : The invite sent by the device to CyberGate is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.

 - UDP INVITE response unmodified Failed : The invite response sent by CyberGate to the device is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.


Testing TCP connnection...

 - TCP connection Failed : No TCP connection could be setup. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TCP OPTIONS response received Failed : The TCP options message send by the script is not replied by CyberGate. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TCP OPTIONS response SIP 200 OK Failed : The 200 OK message send by CyberGate is not received (correctly). Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TCP INVITE response received Failed : A SIP invite sent over TCP (test call) could not be established. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5060 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TCP INVITE request unmodified Failed : The invite sent by the device to CyberGate is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.

 - TCP INVITE response unmodified Failed : The invite response sent by CyberGate to the device is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.


Testing TLS connnection...

 - TLS connection Failed : No TLS connection could be setup. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5061 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TLS authentication Failed : TLS authentication could be setup. Possible reason : a secure end-to-end connection could not be set up. This might be due to a network device / firewall on your network.

 - TLS OPTIONS response received Failed : The options message send by the script over TLS is not replied by CyberGate. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5061 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TLS OPTIONS response SIP 200 OK Failed : The 200 OK message send by CyberGate is not received (correctly). Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5061 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TLS INVITE response received Failed : A SIP invite sent over TLS (test call) could not be established. Possible reason : a Firewall rule blocks outgoing TCP traffic to the internet. Make sure TCP port 5061 (outbound) is opened from the device LAN IP to

 - TLS INVITE request unmodified Failed : The invite sent by the device to CyberGate is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.

 - TLS INVITE response unmodified Failed : The invite response sent by CyberGate to the device is modified by the Firewall. Possible reason : a Firewall SIP helper feature is active on the Firewall (such as SIP ALG). Disable all SIP helper features in the Firewall.


Testing Audio/Video connections........................................

 - Audio/Video connections Failed : Audio / video can't be transmitted to CyberGate. Possible reason : the IP ports necessary for the audio and video streams between the device and CyberGate are not opened on the Firewall. Make sure the following outbound ports are open : UDP 30000 – UDP 30199

Article Details

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Date added:
2022-08-18 15:58:45

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